Mindfulness Eng


Mindfulness is a process through which you bring awareness to the present, on purpose, without judgment. 

The benefits are based on rigorous research and real evidence. We meet once a week individually or as a group for eight weeks. This journey helps you reduce stress, strengthen and/or discover empathy, compassion, attention, concentration, patience and productivity. It guides you to direct your path by becoming aware of deep-rooted beliefs to identify the necessary transformations. 

Our life happens now but frequently we go to the past and there is no time machine to go back, or we go to the future: when I grow up, when I get married, when I work… And in reality life happens to us today, in this  PRESENT , in this gift of  NOW . All the decisions, actions and measures we take occur at every moment and are the builders of your future. Mindfulness is the way to pay attention to the present with appreciation, participation and commitment in your life. 

This program is based on Mindfulness for Stress Reduction by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Professor Emeritus of Medicine at MIT, founder of the MIT Stress Reduction Clinic, in which I participated with Dr. Erika Horwitz, Director of the Mindfulness Therapies Center at MIT. Vancouver Canada. It is based, among others, on the free online program of  “Palouse Mindfulness”  by Dave Potter, on  “The Power of Awareness”  by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, on various readings and other sources. 

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